Staff took time on Friday’s PA Day to review our school goals from last year and to set new ones for this school year. We are proud to share our results:
Literacy Goals:
Our reading goal was for 45% of primary students and 70% of junior students to reach level 3 or 4 in Making Connections in reading (measured by EQAO results). We exceeded our goals here significantly. 67% of primary students and 85% of junior students achieved level 3 or 4.
Our writing goal was for 65% of primary students and 83% of junior students to achieve level 3 or 4 in knowledge of form and style in writing (as measured by EQAO results). 82% of our primary students and 81% of our junior student reached level 3 or 4.
These are great academic results! They show that focused teaching strategies, targeting expectations and specific students reap great rewards. I am proud of our students and teachers!
Community, Culture and Caring
We set other goals last year that will continue this year as well. For Community, Culture and Caring we set a goal to become a bronze level eco-school with a reduction in waste by 10%. In fact we achieved a silver level Eco School designation and reduced waste by 41%!!
We set another goal to participate in Me to We Haiti project by raising $1000. Our Me to We student leaders helped us raise $1519.01.
Our healthy school goal was to focus on intramural programming with 75% of students taking part. For most activities in most grades participation approached 100 % throughout the year.
We are working on setting goals for the 2011-2012 school year. Our focus will continue to be on Literacy, specifically reading, and on Community, Culture and Caring, specifically EcoSchools project, Me to We, inclusion and safe schools.
As we set those goals and work to achieve them we will share our progress with you. We hope you will continue to support our efforts.