This has been a crazy week. The weather has been brutal. I've been up at 5:30am every morning expecting the possibility of a snow day (click here for all that entails), I have a bad cold, my own kids have been home for 2 days because of snow days at their school, blah, blah, blah etc.
So, I came into school not particularly in a holiday spirit at all. Even my licorice tea didn't lift the gloom as I looked at the pile on my desk....
Then, I went to the gym for the carol sing and just listened. Those little voices filled the soul and lifted my spirits completely. What a sweet sound.
My favourite part is the wee girl infront of me who changed the words to familiar carols.
For Silent Night "radiant beams from thy holy face...," she sang "radiant TEAMS in thy holy RACE."
Makes sense.
Made me smile.
Merry Christmas.