Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Anti-bullying week

Next week is Anti-bullying week across the board, and across the country.

The following activities have been planned at Eastdale to raise awareness.

1.  All week students and staff will be doing Random Acts of Kindness. 
2.  Tuesday we STAND UP.  Students will sign a pledge that promises they will stand up against bullying.  They'll also be displaying their belief that we need to stand up for ourselves and others by writing "Stand up" on their hands.
3.  Friday is Pink and Blue Day.  Pink is symbolic of the anti-bullying movement.  It started several years ago when a male student was teased for wearing a pink shirt.  The next day several students who had overheard the bullying chose to wear pink shirts in support of the boy.  The pink shirt movement has gone global since then.
Blue is the colour of the UN Peacekeeping forces.  It's the colour of peace.

Join us as we Stand Up and stand together.