Monday, November 1 --
*Progress Reports go home. This is a new format. You don't need sign or return anything to the school this time.
Tuesday, November 2 --
*Magazine kick-off assembly at noon.
*YFC intramural volleyball for Grades 4-6 in the gym during second break.
*Staff meeting after school
*School Council meeting from 6:30-7:30pm at Eastdale. Babysitting is provided. The Regional School council (councils from Wallace, Central, Elma, Mornington, Milverton, and LDSS) meets from 7:30-8:29pm in Mr. Webster's room. If you want to come to our council meeting, but don't want to stay for the Regional meeting, that's fine (you can "sneak out," no problem!)
Thursday, November 4 --
*Primary teachers meet for first Professional Learning Community (PLC) time.
*Evening interviews 4-8pm
Friday, November 5 --
*PA Day -- interviews
And all week, we'll all be fighting the effects of too much candy (myself included!)